fredag 21 oktober 2016

Nr 32. Rabbit damselnymph

Hook: A Jensen Scud size 10
Thread: Veevus iris thread green/olive
Tail. Smal strip of olive zonker strip
Legs and antenna: Sili Legs perfectly barred chartreuse 

Wing buds: Body glas or body stretch 6 mm oliv. Cut to V shape

Body: same as thread and covered with uv resin
Eyes: Bead chain eyes about 3,2 mm wide

onsdag 7 september 2016

No 30. Grey Zonker Baitfish

Grey Zonker Baitfish

A good pattern to imitate small bait fish.
Keep in mind that these flies fishes best if you tie them to the leader with a loop knot

Hook: Kamasan B200 size 8-6
Thread: Black
Weight: 10-12 laps lead wire under the body
Butt: Fluo orange or red flossilk wound down a bit to the bend and then varnished.
Body: Copper and silver icedub or flashaboudubbing. 50/50 mixed.
Wing: Gray speckled, chinchilla, zonkerstrip. I attach it in front of the butt and then i wrap the body and then fold the zonker strip over the body and attach it. Secure the wing with a drop of super glue.
Front body: A bundle of  zonker hair. Scattered and twisted in a binder thread loop. The loop is then wound forward to the hook eye.
Eyes: Fluo yellow  or orange epoxyeyes. Glued with a small drop super glue and covered with UV resin. 

No 31. The Parrot

The Parrot

 This is a pattern that I developed many years ago.
Unfortunately, it has fallen a bit into oblivion over the years and drowned among all new designs that come with all new modern materials.
When I developed the pattern, I looked for a sustainable patterns that managed some fish tough fishing during the cold time of year in my fishing for rainbow trout and sea trout.
It served me very well for many years.

Hook: Daiichi 1270 or TMC 200R size 8-6 or similar curved hook.
Thread: Black
Cones: 10-12 turns lead wire in front of the body
Tail: A small bundle of orange fox hair
Body: Pearl Icedub
Under Wing: A small bundle greenlander fox hair on top of an equally small bundle of yellow fox hair. Under and between the bundles tie in three to four straw pearl flashabou.
Hackle: Teal
Over Wing: a small bundle of black fox hair.
Eyes: Painted white eyes with black pupils

lördag 13 augusti 2016

No 29. Oliv Rubber Damsel

I have over the years become a big fan of rubber legs of my flies. Rubber legs adds motion and dynamics. In flies that mostly are made of marabou, I think Rubber legs stand out a little extra

Here is a pattern on a damselnymph that i like 
Hook: Kamasan B175 size10 
Gold Head: brass or tungsten. 3,2mm 
Thread: Olive 
Tail: Olive marabou and four dark green or black rubber legs 
Body: Olive dubbing and two or four rubber legs 
Hackle: Olive rooster hackle. 
If you want to, you can tie knee joints on the rubber legs

torsdag 11 augusti 2016

Nr 28. Squirmy Puppies

Something new, something odd.
Squirmy Puppies

Hook: Short shank hook size 6 
Head: Soft split lead shot size BB or No1, clamped onto the hook and glued with superglue, painted and varnished. 
Thread: Same as body 
Tail: Two short tapered Squirmy legs 
Body: Flybox Gel Core Fritz in desired color

torsdag 12 maj 2016

No 27. Deer hair Montana nymph

Deer hair Montana nymph 

If you like to fish with flies that have high buoyancy and you like to fish with montana nymphs, this is the fly for you. 

Hook: Streamer 4x long size 8-6
Thread: Strong thread that can handle deer hair. Preferably yellow
Tail: Black marabou
Abdomen: Black deer hair
Fins / Hackle: Black Chickabou
Wingcase: 1 mm thick black foam. Approximately 6 mm wide
Thorax: Yellow deer hair

No 26. HMG Ant

HMG (Hot melt glue) Ant.

An experiment with materials. 
Body and legs of hot melt adhesives.
Small pieces cut from glue sticks heated to the hook with a lighter and then formed by twisting and turning the hook while glue hardens as it does in about 30 seconds.
The legs are a little tougher to get hang on. 
Small, tiny beads of hot melt melted on a dubbingnål or similar then attached to the body of hot melt glue, pulled out and kept in possition while it solidifies.

onsdag 4 maj 2016

No16. UV Mysis

Mysis can be a good choice of pattern when fishing for sea trout on the coast. It is a easy prey  and available in plenty. 
Quite often this pattern works when looking active fish in shallow water but that not are interested in larger flies.

Hook: Kamasan B110 size 12 and 10.
Thread: Thin transperant monofile thread as Veevus Monofile 0,1mm for example.
Tail, back and antenna:  White Super Hair. 6-8 strands
Thorax: A very smal amount of burnt orange and sand saltwater dubbing. Ehen you hav dubbed the thorax you shold lay the Super Hair over the thorax as a back.
Eyes: Black chain eyes. 
Covering: Cover the tail, hook and back with UV resin. When you are curing the resin bend the tail as in the picture and remember to leave about 2-3 mm ot the superhair with out UV resin. 

No 14. Tricolor cigar

Tricolor cigar

At first glance this fly may appear as a grotesque monster. 
Oversized and with extreme buoyancy and additionally tied to fishing for rainbow trout. 
But I strongly believe in big flies for rainbow troute. 
Many times it has been shown that they can deliver when almost nothing else does and this particular combination of colors has become very popular in the south of Sweden to fishing for rainbow trout


Hook: Kamasan B820 size 6 or 4
Thread: Any kind of white strong thread that is strong enough for spinning deerhair.
Tail: Bundles of marabou. Yellow, orange and white.
Body: Orange, yellow and white deerhair. Spun and cut to the shape of a cigar.

No 25. Yellow Silly Sili

Yellow Silly Sili

Black and yellow is always a good combination of color for flies and the combination of soft marabou and soft sililegs gives you a fly with right combination of color and movement. 

Hook: Kamasan B200 size 10-6.
Thread: Black. 
Weight: 8-10 wraps of lead wire.
Tail: Black marabou with a smal bundle of yellow marabou on top of the black marabou.
Body: Black chenille covering 2/3 of the hookshank.
Legs: Four fluo yellow sililegs on both side of the frontbody/head.
Head/frontbody: Fluo yellow chenille.

No 24. Green Hulk Boobie

Green Hulk Boobie

Maybe not as strong as the Hulk but surely as deadly

A proven color combination för rainbow trout


Hook: Kamsan B160 size 8 or 6. I prefera size 6 and almost all my boodiepatterns are tied on this hook.
Body: Intense lime Medium Crystal Hackle from Flybox.
Wing: Black barred chartreuse zonker strip.
Flash: 4 strands of pearl Crystal flash
Yes: Red EVA foam eyes

No 23. Stickleback Zonker

Stickleback Zonker 

When fish is feeding on smal baitfish as stickleback this can be a good fly. 
In some of my water that i frequently fish in, grey is a alround color and therfore works realy good all year round. 
When we fish for grayling in the stream in northern Sweden a little gray Zonker sometimes can  be really effective.

Hook: Maruto W12 size 8 or 6
Thread: Gray
Butt. Glo Brite floss. Hot orange.
Body: Dubbing, HareÉ Ice dub, gray.
Throat: A small bunch of red rabbit hair
Wing: Gray zonker strip, 1,5 mm wide
Head/front body: Gray zonker looked in a b dubbing loop. Twisted and winded towards the hookeye. Then combed and trimmed.
Eyes: 3 mm 3d epoxy eyes. Glued and coverd with UV resin.

If you want a heavier fly you can add some turns of leadwire under the body.

No 22. Foam caddis nymph

Foam Caddis nymph

This is a nice looking pattern för imitating free swiming caddis nymph on their way upp to the surface for hatching. 
If you want it stay just under the surface you can add 6-7 turns off lead wire.

Of course you can vary the color to match 


Thread: Brown.

Hook: Curved nymph hook sice 10 or 12.

Eyes: 0,5mm mono melted in the ends. About 3mm wide. 

Body: A smal strip of 1mm tan foam. The strip should be about 5 cm long and cut so that one end is about 1-1,45 mm wide ande the other end about 2-3 mm wide. One of the strips edges should then be painted with a brown markerpen. 

Wing buds. 1 mm thick tan foam that has been gently heated and flatend between thumb and forefinger. Then cut in to shape and colored with the brown markerpen. 

Hackle: Grey or brown partridge.

Antenna: Two fiber from pheasat tail feather.

Head and frontbody: Hares ear dubbing.

tisdag 3 maj 2016

No 21. Green Dambuster

Green Dambuster is one of my real favorite pattern for fishing for rainbow trout. 
It works as a really good all-round patterns and belongs to the simpler patterns to tye. 
A couple of good variation on the fly is by replacing the tail to fluo red or fluo white. 
Especially the variant with white fluo tail can sometimes be coarsely effective.

Here is a simple materialists 

Hook: Kamasan B 200 strl 10-6 
Thread: Fluo green (chartreuse) 
Body: 3-4 peacook hearl 
Hackle: Brown speckled hen or a soft cock hackle 
Head: Same as the tying thread

No 20. Braided damsell

Braided Damsell

Tying description

Hook: Kamsan B110 size 10

Thread: Olive

Eyes: 0.50 mm nylonmono that is burned on the ends. The eyes should be 3-4 mm wide

Tail: braided mono burned at one end. 
Before the melted plastic lump become solidi again flatten it between thumb and forefinger. 
To get the right shape you have to draw a little light in the braided mono so that the lump gets a bit stretched. 
Do not forget to moisten your fingers with a little saliva so you do not burn your fingertips.
Then you cut the shape of the tail with a sharp pair of scissors and color it with olive waterproof marker.

Thorax cover and wing buds: 4mm olive-body stretch.

Thorax: 3mm or 3.2 mm brass goldhead closest to the eyes, and then a few laps Olive Medium Crystal hackle.

Head. The eyes pupils is then painted black with a markerpen and then covered with UV resin.

Good luck and enjoy 

torsdag 25 februari 2016

No19. Angel Sandeal

Angel Sandeal. 

Hook: Maruto SS 1930 size 6
Thread: Smal transperant monofile thread
Bottom tail: Start the tail with about 20 strands of white super hair. Cut them so the only will be about 30mm. They are used for preventing the other tail material to be caught around the hook bend when you are fishing.
Tail and Body: Silver and chartreuse Angel Hair
Spot: I put a smal spot on the belly with a fluo orange or red permanent marker pen before i cote the front with uv resin.
Body cover: Solarez UV resin, thin.
Eyes:  Fluo yellow 3,5 mm flat or 3D stick on eyes. 

No 18. Copper Gammarus

Lägg till bildtext

Hook: Kamasan B110 size 10-6 or any similar shrimp/caddis hook with heavy hook thickness
Thread: Brown
Tail/Antenna: Mallard dyed in Summer duck color
Rib: Copperwire
Body: Holo copper icedub
Back: Brown or olive 4 or 6 mm wide body strech

1. Attach the thread 

2. Tie in a bunch, about 10 mallard fiber as a tail and the same as antenna 

3. Attach the rib 

4. and then the body-strech on top of the hook shank

5. Then dub a quite thick body and then fold the body strech as a back over the fly. 

6. Rib the body with 6-7 turns of the copperwire. Attach the rib and cut it of. Finish with a neat head. 

7. Brush the dubbing to create the legs. 

8. The fly should now look like this. Dubbing fiber well picked out.

9. Cut the dubbing fiber just above the hook point. 

10 A bunch of copper gammarus ready for fishing. 

onsdag 17 februari 2016

No 17. Wiggling Gummi Creaps

 Wiggling Gummi Creaps

Material list

Hook: 1st Mustad S71SZ Size 6
Thread: Black
Tail: 2 black-red sili legs.
Body: Black Spectra Dubbing
Legs: The same sili legs as used for the tail but the black part.

Front body

Link to the abdomen0.35 to 0.40 mm fluorocarbon
Hook: 1st S71SZ Size 6
Thread: Black
Eyes: Silver Medium (about 3mm) dumbbell eyes with yellow / black flat stick eyes glued on the dumbell.
Tail: 2 black-red silicone legs.
Body: Black Spectra dubbingDub also between the eyes.
Legs: The same sili legs as used for the tail but the black part.

1.Start by attaching the tying thread on the hook to be abdomens hookWrap the thread to the hook bend.

2. Attach the sili legs folded double to make the four red ends pointing backward like a tailWrap the leftover black parts forward to the hook eye.

3. Dub a tapered body with black Spectra dubbing forward to just behind the hook eye.

4. Cut the loop with the black part of silicone legsFold them backwards beside of both sides of the hook so that there is two pieces on each sideAttach and cut the thread. Varnish the ending.

5. Continue to cut off the hook just at the bend.

6. Attach the hook for the front body and secure 5-6 cm fluorocarbon on the top of the hook. Secure the attachment with a drop of superglue.

7. Thread the abdomens on to the fluorocarbonFold the fluorocarbon forwards so that the rear body dangles in a small loopAttach fluorocarbon and secure with a drop of superglueCut of the remaining fluorocarbon.

8. Tie a similar body like the one on the abdomen with the tail and legs but end the body about 2-3 mm in front of the hook eye

9. Attach the dumbbell eyes. Secure with a drop of super glue.

10. Dub with figures of eights around the eyes. Attach and cut the thread. Varnish the ending.

11. Glue the flat stick eyes on the dumbbell eyes. I usually add a small drop of super glue under the eyes to be absolutely sure they are secure.

This fly has an incredibly seductive jigging movement in the water and can of course be tied in different color combinations. Variations of olive, white, orange and red tend to be toxic. The fly has been an incredible killer for fishing rainbowtrout in lakes and streams and for seatrout on the coast and in river and streams.

No 16. Olive Crystal Bugger.

This is a realy good pattern för rainbow troute. It imitates damsell nymphs and it works realy well when the trouts are a little picky in their choise of food.

Material list
Hook: Kamasan B 175 size 8-10
Head: 3,2 or 3,8 gold head. Brass or tungsten.
Thread: Olive
Tail: Wolly bugger marabou olive.
Body: Olive medium Crystal Hackle from
Legs: 2 strands of Wapsi sili legs in color sand/orange
Fronthackle. Two turns of 
olive medium  Crystal hackle 

No 15. Sandräkan/Sandshrimp

Sand shrimp is one of my old solid and reliable designs for coastal fishing for sea trout.
Already in the late 1970s sitting the fly hanger fly above the coastal lure. 
Later when flyfishing for seatrout took over, this pattern was often the obvious choice.

Material list
Hook: Partridge CS54 size 4-8
Thread: Red
Weight: lead wire
Tail: Two grizzly or Cree colored hackle tip
Body Rib: Copper wire
Body: SLF Saltwater Dubbing in sand color or other similar dubbing
Body hackle Grizzly or Cree colored cock hackle. Must be of good quality with quite rigid hackelfibrer and it'll be pretty long.
Front hackle: The same as the bodyhackle. 
Head: Red tying thread.

1. Start with winding 10-12 laps lead wire around the hook shank.

2.Attach the thread and secure the lead wire by wrapping the thread a few times back and forth over the lead wire. Stop with the thread at about the hookbarb.

3. Take two grizzly or Cree hackle.
To use for the tail you can use a cheaper variant then genetic cock hackle. 

4. Attach the hackle on the hookshank just above the hook barb. The tail should have a lenght of about half or 2/3 of the hookshank. 

5. Attach 10-15 cm copperwirw and then dub a nice carrot shaped body. Rememder to leave a litle space in  front of the hook eye so that ther will be enough space for the fronthackle and head. 

6. Attach the boody hackle.

7. Vind the hackle 7-8 even turns over the dubbed body towards the tail. Secure the hackle by winding the copperwire towards the hookeye and through the hackle. 

8. Secure the wire and remove the rest. 

9. Take another hackle 

10. Attach the fronthackle in the tip and doubble fold the hacklefibers. 

11. Wind a nice frontcollar. Attack the hackle and remove the rest. 

12: Finish the fly with a neat head and warnish it and the fly is ready for action.