A good pattern to imitate small bait fish.
Keep in mind that these flies fishes best if you tie them to the leader with a loop knot
Hook: Kamasan B200 size 8-6
Thread: Black
Weight: 10-12 laps lead wire under the body
Butt: Fluo orange or red flossilk wound down a bit to the bend and then varnished.
Body: Copper and silver icedub or flashaboudubbing. 50/50 mixed.
Wing: Gray speckled, chinchilla, zonkerstrip. I attach it in front of the butt and then i wrap the body and then fold the zonker strip over the body and attach it. Secure the wing with a drop of super glue.
Front body: A bundle of zonker hair. Scattered and twisted in a binder thread loop. The loop is then wound forward to the hook eye.
Eyes: Fluo yellow or orange epoxyeyes. Glued with a small drop super glue and covered with UV resin.